Allergy Season: How To Fight it
Every year the arrival of Spring brings beauty along with allergy season. Allergy season affects millions of people as flowering plants and trees release pollen that is allergy inducing, causing many to stay indoors and not enjoy the beauty of Spring. If you did not know, we have mast cells (Mast cells play an important role in how the immune system responds to certain bacteria, parasites, pollutants and they help control other types of immune responses) in the lining of our nose which mistakes harmless pollen particles for dangerous invaders. When this happens, the mast cells summon help by releasing chemicals such as histamine and tryptase, which then recruit more immune system cells to the battle. This sounds great right? Well, those same chemicals (histamine and tryptase) also help trigger watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and a sore throat. Aside from these “sinus issues” the impact of allergies goes beyond discomfort. Sleep gets worse, you have less energy throughout the day, and your quality of life suffers during one of the most beautiful times of the year.
Many run to allergy medications for help, which allows the body to not conduct a fight against pollen and turns off your defense system so that symptoms are reduced or stopped/inhibited. As climate change is happening, our planet is experiencing extended growing seasons along with an increase in allergy caused health risk to humans. The purchasing of different allergy medications has been on the rise and can be pricey due to the severity and length of allergy season. With the season being extended by an additional 20+ days compared to years ago, many find that these medications have become less effective and have seen an increase in inflammatory responses that are more severe. Experts suggest for us to take allergy medications so that these reactions can be blocked, but with medications becoming less effective what are the options? Our true medicine, natural foods.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in 2050 ~ half of the planet’s population will fall victim to some sort of allergic disorder. Currently, seasonal allergies affect about 30% of adults and 40% of children. This constantly increasing number however is not just on the rise due to pollen concentrations. One of the main driving factors is due to the chemical pollutants from Humans in our environment. These pollutants interact with pollen and destroys pollen cell walls, which breaks down pollen grains into smaller micron particles that can go deeper into the lungs and cause even more severe symptoms. These pollutants have also been seen to make pollen itself more capable of creating allergic reactions. A recent study conducted and published found that the increase in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere provokes the production of allergenic proteins in pollen which is responsible for the more severe symptoms of allergic reactions the world has been seeing.
As allergy season is expanding and our air quality declining, now is the perfect time to practice picking up a diet high in plants. Adding natural foods to your diet could actually help relieve and prevent symptoms, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system so that you can stay safe and strong with all of the many environmental changes going on. Citrus fruits, roots (ginger, turmeric), onions, nuts, herbs & spices, and foods high in vitamin C are a number of dietary choices that may help mitigate the miseries of seasonal allergies. Making sure that you are receiving the proper amount of vitamins and minerals from natural food is essential for your overall health to help prevent diseases, disorders, and… seasonal allergies!
It’s time to fight nature with nature. At Bodi Buzz we offer affordable organic juices that are filled with the essential nutrients needed to help anyone fight back against seasonal allergies. Many Americans find themselves having poor diets filled with processed foods which are not helping the body fight allergies. Our easy online ordering and pick up/ delivery service gives those seeking to tackle allergies and improve their health convenience and access to an easy, delicious, and fun way to consume fruits and vegetables.
Flavonoids (high amounts found in blueberries) have antioxidant, anti-allergic and immune-modulating properties. Recent clinical trials have shown their beneficial effect on allergic rhinitis.
Please note that no content from BODI BUZZ, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.