A World Of Herbs
Herbs have been used for thousands of years to improve human well being and right now we need them more than ever as sickness is taking over. A huge part of the sickness we see today is due to nutrient deficiency. However, herbs can help eliminate those deficiencies. Herbs are alive and electric, filling the body with power!
Herbs are plants grown from nature that obtain natural minerals, vitamins, and many other nutrients that help keep our immune system, organs, and bodies in top shape. Synthetic medications, which have taken over, do not have these natural alive characteristics. In fact, most drugs/medications are derived from genetically modified practices/synthesis and are made in labs and processing centers. Herbs on the other hand are from nature and the soil...which we Humans are connected to. As living organisms, we need natural medicines not synthetic ones.
For example, yellow dock is a great herb for digestion, heavy periods, helps cleanse the blood and kidney...which helps improve the skin (our largest organ), can help prevent chronic diseases, immune support, liver support, respiratory support, and much more. Herbs pull minerals like iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, zinc, and many other essentials from Earth which are then packaged into the plant/herb for us to consume. You see the cycle? We need plants!
Herbs heal a nation and we should all be incorporating them into our daily diet so that sickness can be expelled from our lives. We deserve to advance into happier and more fulfilling lives that have no sickness attached to them. Use of herbs can help manage + prevent chronic disorders, assist with weight management, and improve overall health. You see, sickness is created and therefore we can destroy it by simply utilizing natures medicine that has been here longer than mankind.
Now when I say herbs, I am not just talking about the ones we see in the grocery stores in the very small produce sections called “culinary herbs.” There are thousands of medicinal herbs other than parsley, ginger, sage, thyme, basil, etc that are not made accessible to us in grocery stores. Matter of fact, when you go into these mega stores we have today, herbal teas have a very small shelf space next to coffee beans which take up the entire aisle. You also see 0 herbs by the pharmacy.
By doing your own research, you can find herbs to buy online or local herb companies. Herbs can be purchased in powdered form, loose leaf, or in tea bags. This makes the use of them versatile from adding into drinks, smoothies, meals, supplements, teas, tinctures, etc.
We encourage all to explore the world of herbs!
Fun Fact: The first doctors/healers were herbalist, with synthetic medications having less than 150 years in the game.
Herbs We Recommend
Burdock Root, Yellow Dock, Dandelion Root + Leaf
Sarsparilla, Ginger, Clove, Mullein Leaf, Moringa Leaf
Soursop leaf, Roobios , Lemongrass, Oregeno, yarrow
Elderberry, Hyssop, Chaparral Leaf, Gingko Biloba
Rosemary, Cilantro, Chlorella , Nettle, Cascara Sagrada, Golden Rod